We’re joined by Post-goth Punk Diva M. Lamar (identical twin brother of Laverne Cox, “Orange is the New Black”) for a very intense discussion about life as art and his apocalyptic gospel song cycle “Funeral Doom Spiritual” that he will be presenting as part of the fifth Prototype Festival. Show Notes APAP Conference (Association of Performing Arts Presenters)…Continue reading Podcast 33: M. Lamar and the Prototype Festival
Tag: Missy Mazzoli
Podcast 28: There are more things in heaven and earth, opera fan
All four of us are joined by Karen for this free-wheeling discussion about what’s hot in opera. This show features operas that can be seen on my PINTEREST page, which keeps growing! Tons of Operas discussed including: Harrison Birtwistle: “The Minotaur“ “The Classical Style” by Steven Stucky Paola Prestini‘s “Aging Magician“ “Fall of the House…Continue reading Podcast 28: There are more things in heaven and earth, opera fan
Happy Birthday to Us! Podcast 17
We celebrate one year of podcasting with another great show. Noah discusses with Desiree Alejandro “Song from the Uproar” the multi-media opera from Missy Mazzoli and Royce Vavrek. Noah and I discuss our recent trip to BAM to see Rufus Wainwright‘s “Prima Donna” which was performed by New York City Opera. And of course tons…Continue reading Happy Birthday to Us! Podcast 17
Podcast 14: Song from the Uproar & Indie Opera Contest!
We interview Royce Vavrek and Missy Mazzoli about their new opera “Song from the Uproar” which tells tell the life story of Isabelle Eberhardt, and we are joined by Brooke Larimer as guest host. Also the first Indie Opera Contest! To join the contest email us at: comments@indieopera.com. Plus lots more news from: Opera Boston’s…Continue reading Podcast 14: Song from the Uproar & Indie Opera Contest!