We have the most interesting conversation with composer David Hertzberg and director R.B. Schlater about producing an opera at the Barnes Foundation, surrounded by an eclectic collection of world rebounded art, with a wandering audience, all part of Opera Philadelphia’s festival O17, which runs September 14 – 24. Become a patron on PATREON NOTES Wake…Continue reading Episode 41: The Wake World
Month: August 2017
OperaFix August 28, 2017
Get your weekly Opera Fix! Become a patron on PATREON NOTES The Kronos Quartet My Lai Jonathan Berger Harriet Scott Chessman [correction] Rinde Eckert Vân-Ánh Vanessa Võ Singapore International Arts Festival Reponds Park Avenue Armory Pierre Boulez On-Site Opera Rhonda and the Fossil Hunt John Musto Eric Einhorn American Museum of Natural History Composer-Librettist Development…Continue reading OperaFix August 28, 2017
OperaFix August 21, 2017
Our First Opera Fix Podcast, an experiment on a weekly show with up to date news, let us know what you think. Become a patron on PATREON NOTES Cincinnati Opera Hadrian Rufus Wainwright Daniel MavIvor Opera Saratoga Vinkensport David T Little Royce Vavrek Rocking Horse Winner Gareth Williams Anna Chatterton 59e59 Street Theater New York…Continue reading OperaFix August 21, 2017