Conductor Corrado Rovaris and Mark Stone from Philadelphia Opera’s porduction of George Benjamin and Martin Crimp’s “Written on Skin”. A supersized show of news and interviews including, Mozart in the Jungle features Indie Opera favorites, Met Announces Season, Donizetti opera getting its world premier, David Lang Opera at the NYPhil. NOTES Mozart in the Jungle…Continue reading Supersized OperaFix February 19, 2018
Month: February 2018
Another Supersize OperaFix, February 12, 2018
A supersized show with two interviews from the Philadelphia Feb 9th premier of George Benjamin and Martin Crimp’s “Written on Skin” which is running through February 18. First Chuck interviews the Director William Kerley followed by an interview with Kristina Szabo who is performing the roles of 2nd Angel and Marie. NOTES William Kerley, Director,…Continue reading Another Supersize OperaFix, February 12, 2018
Episode 46: The Great God Pan, The Gender Non-Binary
We go beyond standard definitions and challenge ideas about gender and race. With the upheaval in our society, is opera keeping up? Ross Crean, Sharin Apostolou and Jordan Rutter join us to break boundaries and discuss how opera can bring change to society and expose us all to a new story. NOTES Jordan Rutter – Three-Way…Continue reading Episode 46: The Great God Pan, The Gender Non-Binary