Peter Szep, Noah Lethbridge, Brooke Larimer are joined briefly by Jonathan Berger, composer, who’s work is being featured as part of the Prototype Festival in New York City, plus lots of chat. [We had some tech issues, if you have problems with the audio, please re-download it.] PROTOTYPE Festival Thumbprint by composer Kamala Sankaram…Continue reading Podcast 25: The Prototype Festival and more
Tag: Beth Morrison Projects
Podcast 7: Soldier Songs and Maren of Vardo
We interview two composers who have works being performed in New Haven as part of the International Festival of Arts and Ideas: David T. Little composer of Soldier Songs Jeff Meyers composer of Maren of Vardo. Credits: beginning and ending music is from Soldier Songs: Music and libretto by David T. Little, David Adam Moore,…Continue reading Podcast 7: Soldier Songs and Maren of Vardo