We have some opera news and a wonderful interview with Elena Langer. Then we take a break from opera and discuss the 2012 Academy Awards with the amazing Royce Vavrek.

- Elena Langer’s Four Sisters at Bard College
- Adam Gorb’s Anya 17 premiers in Liverpool
- Noah Stewart sings at the Royal Opera House in Judith Wier’s Miss Fortune
- Noah Stewart’s music video – Without A Song
- Royce Vavrek joins us to discuss: The Artist, The Descendants, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, The Help, Hugo, Midnight in Paris, Moneyball, The Tree of Life and War Horse
Credits: Sound sample of Elena Langer’s work is from Songs at the Well. Show conversation edited by Noah Lethbridge and mixed by Peter Szep.
Thankyou Noah and Peter for really enjoyable podcast. Both subjects were bright and interesting. I think a visit to Bard is in order. I just want to hear the three musical styles Ms Langer gives to each sister! The Oscar discussion was also very refreshing. The three of you discussed many other movies….maybe IndieOscar would be a great show next year! Again impossible to multitask while listening ,you guys are just too engaging!