Opera Is a Hoax?
After hearing an interview on the NYTimes Book Review Podcast where Paul Rudnick said, “I think of poetry as a complete hoax, I rank it with opera and ballet in that regard… People lie when they say they like it.” (See complete quote below for full context.)
Let’s Go On a Date Paul!
I, Peter Szep, want to take Paul Rudnick ON A DATE to see an Opera. What opera have you seen, Paul? I bet it was some old opera in some cavernous nightmare of a theater. It’s like watching “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari” and saying film is a hoax! I’ll take you out for a gorgeous dinner beforehand, we’ll see an opera here in New York at one of New Yorks amazing 80+ opera companies. And hey maybe I can change your mind about opera, like David Rakoff’s book challenges the idea that poetry is a hoax.
Email me at comments@indieopera.com
Complete Quote in response a the question from Pamela Paul:
Paul: “How do you feel about poetry?”:
Rudnick: “Oh to loathe it, because as I say in the review, I am a very crass and ignorant person. And a deeply committed poetry-phobe. I think of poetry as a complete hoax, I rank it with opera and ballet in that regard.”
Paul: “People lie when they say they like it.”
Rudnick: “Completely, they’re just too embarrassed, in that anyone should think that that are the outcast of high culture. I am unashamed”